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Kilbride Central Primary School
'Putting children first'

Teaching Staff

Support Staff
Mrs Scullion, Teaching Assistant
Mrs McNeill, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Ritchie, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Tanasache, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Moore, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Elliot, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Mackey, Teaching Assistant
Miss Patterson, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Wilson, Teaching Assistant
Mrs McDowell, Clerical Officer
Mr Fleming, Building Supervisor
Ms McCleave, Catering Assistant
Board of Governors
Mr D Humphries, Chairman
Mr S Aiken, Dep Chairman
Mrs P Spence, Secretary
Mr J Wallace, EA Representative
Mr U Campbell, Transferor Representative
Rev G McFadden, Transferor Representative
Mr S Holland, Transferor Representative
Mrs K McCullough, Parent Representative
Mrs J Coyle, Parent Representative
Mrs C Gordon, Teacher Representative
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